The largest leadership level of almost every organization is its early to middle managers, and that’s also the leadership level that gets allocated the fewest development resources. Professional development shouldn’t just be the pot of gold at the end of the leadership rainbow; it should be a vehicle for ensuring that all people-leaders get to grow.
Emergent Leader is built to help early- to mid-level leaders level up, get unstuck, and lead their teams toward unlocking their very best.
How can we help you?
Emerging Leader Coaching:
Launch young leaders toward inclusion, innovation, and impact.
Professional development can’t wait for the tail-end of a career. Like a financial investment, it happens with the lowest risk and creates the most returns when it happens early. Invest in your emerging talent early and often, and reap the rewards.
Don’t let tenure serve as a stand in for real growth.
Stuck happens. We know that. And we know it’s a death knell for innovation and impact. Empower your middle managers to break out of the ruts of management by equipping them to set a vision for something different, and to pursue leadership afresh.
“Who you know” only matters when you know good people.
There’s a special magic that happens when you’re in the room together. We build new relationships, shore up old ones, and find energy from one another. Emergent Leadership has convened events where hundreds have gathered to connect, learn, and grow together. Want in?
Live courses. Real conversations. Relevant content.
This online community is a center of gravity for all things development - personal and professional. We host live courses and conversations, host forums by topic, and create space for you to ask questions in the safety of a community that is earnest about getting better together.
Daniel has a remarkable ability to lead attendees through a critical process of self-discovery, helping them to consider their own innate biases and personal strategies for overcoming them. His dedication is clearly evident, and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge through his thought-provoking presentations and interactive discussions.
DEI Leader
Member-Driven Organization
Daniel is not going to give you the playbook, but he is going to lay out a path to thought provoking self-discovery that can take you one step further in reaching your destination of a better school, a better workplace, and a better community for those you serve.
Public Schools District
How We Create This Space
Phase 1:
The Emergent Leader Leader Lab
The Emergent Leader Journey (same as with Accelerant Culture - thinking these 2 phases show up in a visually interesting way, maybe with some preview text or images, but then reader would click through to find the full content on a separate landing page - open to your suggestions about how to best lay all of this out!)
Session 1: Opening
Session 2: embracingSELF
Module 1: Identity: Who am I?
Module 2: Agency: What can I do?
Session 3: empowering OTHERS
Module 3: Connection: Who are you?
Module 4: Advocacy: How can I support?
Session 4: embarkingTOGETHER
Module 5: Vision: Where are we going?
Module 6: Culture: How do we get there?
Phase 2:
In-Person Events and Online Community
(Coming Fall 2024)
For many, getting into the room with folks who are on similar journeys is a refreshing and exciting opportunity. We meet people who have had different life experiences than we’ve had, and can teach us something. We meet someone a step ahead of where we are, and who can guide us forward. We connect with someone a step or two behind us in the process, and we get to support their journey.
The vision of Emergent Leader is to create that kind of space.
We do this through in-person events. Since 2019 we’ve hosted events where nearly 1,000 young professionals have connected, learned, and built relationships with one another and more seasoned leaders in the community. We’re planning another in-person for late 2024.
We also do this through an online community, where people interested in growth and development can participate in virtual sessions and engage around topics of personal and professional development. Watch for the re-release of this community in late 2024.