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Accelerant Leader

Activating Leaders

Accelerating impact

Leadership development is about increasing your capacity to accelerate your team.

That’s complex. It means curating and sustaining a culture where team members can operate at their highest and best. It means building meaningful trust. Redefining conflict as a vehicle toward collaboration. Casting a compelling vision for engagement and impact. Driving development toward a shared mission. It’s a lot to do.
Accelerant Leader is designed to support leaders in creating trust-filled and growth-focused space where their teams are accelerated toward their best. Leaders who are delivering the best experiences for their teams, and who are activating the best outcomes from their teams.

How can we help you?

Stagnant Development + Growth

Too many leadership programs are too prescriptive.
It’s hard to get leaders excited about the same old same old. Rightly so. The Accelerant Leader content combines business best-practice, human psychology, and anecdotal wisdom, resulting in conversations that resonate, engage, and lead toward greater leadership impact.
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Manager Overwhelm + Burnout

Managers are often unprepared for the task of leadership.
Too many managers have been advanced without getting enhanced. They’ve gotten promotions to leadership roles without the training necessary to move them from “doers” to “leaders of doers.” That’s a transition that without training leads to burnout and exhaustion.
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Leader Upskilling + Coaching

Emerging leaders need next-step, not status quo, coaching.
Our succession plans often have us identifying high potential talent, but not necessarily pairing that talent with the coaching necessary to equip them to take the organization to the next level. Accelerant Leader helps you coach toward where you want to go, not just where you are now.
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Culture Consistency + Circulation

Culture ambassadors are your next best opportunity.
Great culture is about ownership. It’s one thing to hear some good ideas, but it’s another thing to transfer ownership of those ideas to the team. Moving your teams through Accelerant Leader allows them to take ownership and become ambassadors of an Accelerant Culture.
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Kind Words From Clients
Daniel has a remarkable ability to lead attendees through a critical process of self-discovery, helping them to consider their own innate biases and personal strategies for overcoming them. His dedication is clearly evident, and he is passionate about sharing his knowledge through his thought-provoking presentations and interactive discussions.
DEI Leader
Member-Driven Organization
Daniel is not going to give you the playbook, but he is going to lay out a path to thought provoking self-discovery that can take you one step further in reaching your destination of a better school, a better workplace, and a better community for those you serve.
Public Schools District

How We Create This Space

Accelerant Leader Workshop Series

This is a series of workshops designed for graduates of the Accelerant Culture Workshop Series, and is built to help leaders and managers become the kind of leaders able to effectively curate an Accelerant Culture. We’ll help leaders expand their understanding of people-leadership principles, and practice tactical exercises to build the competencies of a leader who can activate and accelerate their team’s very best. The Accelerant Leader series merges operational excellence with team psychology, resulting in conversations that resonate, engage, and lead toward greater leadership impact.
Session 1: Building Trust
Trust is like a tire. It provides traction when things get messy, direction as things change, and the friction necessary to keep us stuck to one another and to the vision of the team.
Session 2: Redefining Conflict
Conflict is simply a spark. Used well, it turns individual ingredients into explosive collaborative power. Used poorly, it’s a flash that steals our attention but doesn’t drive our progress.
Session 3: Casting Vision
Vision isn’t just about a destination; it’s also about the communication necessary to get us there. It’s a constant journey of inviting, accepting, and aligning to a shared goal.
Session 4: Driving Development
Development isn’t about promotion or advancement; it’s about enhancement. It’s holistic betterment, and the resourcing necessary to keep being invited toward the front edges of growth.
Inlcuded Assets
Mission Control
A 100+ page tactical workbook that:
  • engages your team in practice and exercises, a research-proven learning tool
  • enriches the in-person discussion with readings and diagrams
  • allows for after session reflection & ongoing conversation
  • provides opportunity for asynchronous learning across time and distance
Trajectory Template
A scorecard that allows participants to goal-set around each of the learned leadership competencies.
  • enables real-time reflection and goal-setting
  • serves as a living artifact for continued discussion and planning
  • allows for a built-in timeline for growth goals
  • equips managers and team leaders with an easy-to-read overview

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